Account: Blocked / Barred Accounts

Check over this list of possible reasons you can't place a hold using the card catalog, or check out on Alaska Digital Library:  

  • There are overdue items. Once an item is overdue, you may speak to staff at any ALC library, in person or over the phone, to have it renewed - IF it's the first renewal and no one else has it on hold.
  • There's a fine on your account. Fines on current overdue check outs can't be paid until the item is either renewed or checked in.
  • There's a damaged/lost item or other fee on your account. Damaged/lost item fees remain on your account while the issue is being resolved. You may still be able to check out items, but your account will remain blocked.
  • You've asked that all permission for others to use your account is denied, including when someone presents your library card. In this case your account will need to remain barred to inform staff, throughout the Alaska Library Network, not to allow account use with your library card. If you believe someone has stolen your library card, you may get a new one for $3, ask staff to unbar your account, and have a note placed on your account not to accept the old library card.
  • There may be a note on your account requiring staff attention, such as a reminder to return a lost and found item to you, update your contact information, etc. Once the note's requirements are fulfilled the account should be manually unbarred by library staff.
  • If your account is still blocked after going through this troubleshooting list, our staff will be happy to investigate further and resolve the issue.