Vacation Planning

You Are Going On Vacation - Help Burglars Take One Too!

  • An empty house is a tempting target for a burglar. Use this checklist of tips to help safeguard your home while you're away.
  • Have good locks on all doors and windows, and USE THEM!
  • Ask a neighbor to watch the house while you're away. It's a good idea to leave your vacation address and telephone number with a neighbor so you can be reached in case of an emergency.
  • Never leave your house key hidden outside your home.
  • Stop all deliveries, or arrange for a neighbor to pick up your mail, newspapers, and packages.
  • Arrange for someone to mow your lawn, rake leaves and maintain the yard to give the home a lived-in look.
  • Plug in timers to turn lights and a radio or television on and off at appropriate times. This helps to disguises the fact that you are away.
  • Turn the bell or ringer on your telephone down to low. If a burglar is around, he won't be alerted to your absence by a ringing phone.
  • Don't announce your absence on answering machine messages.
  • Leave your blinds, shades, and curtains in a normal position. Don't close them unless that is what you do when you are home.
  • Close and lock garage doors and windows. Ask a neighbor to occasionally park in your driveway.
  • If you leave your car at home, park it as you normally would. Vehicles parked outside should be moved occasionally to appear that they are being used.
  • Secure storage sheds, attic entrances, and gates.
  • Tell your local police you plan to be away. At Palmer Police Department, fill out an EPW (Extra Patrol Watch) form. Patrol officers may have the opportunity to periodically check your home.
  • Engrave your valuables as recommended in Operation I.D. This simple step will allow your stolen property to be identified and returned to you if recovered by the police.